Guest Blog Post: Why Write a Book to Build Your Brand?

By Mike Wicks

Search for advice about sales, marketing, growing a business, or even installing new windows, and almost certainly, one of the hits on Google’s first page will be a book on the subject written by an expert. You might then check it out, peruse the reviews, read some sample pages, and possibly purchase the book. If the book tells you what you need to know and the author comes across as an expert, you might reach out to them for more advice or hire them to assist you in your business or with a project.

Why? The author established himself as an expert on the topic and, in so doing, became a credible authority. You gained more trust in them than if you had simply looked at their paper credentials. Everyone has a degree, but how many people can write a book? An MBA proves someone attended classes, but a book demonstrates they know how to put what they learned into practice.

A book confers status better than just about anything else. Authors get invited to talk at conferences; the media interviews them, and media sources call them for expert advice.

I have a client who refers to his book on setting up professional corporations as a $50 business card. Since becoming an author, he has been invited to write for Huffington Post, speaks at dozens of conferences a year, and has seen his business grow beyond his wildest dreams. His books have made him an industry expert – the go-to guy in his field.

In many ways, a book is a subtle sales pitch. It outlines your theories, opinions, and general expertise. It implies you know more than what is in the book. That you have far more valuable information to share, and what’s more, you can help the reader implement the strategies you discuss.

People are drawn to experts. It’s a trust issue as much as anything – a book makes you a known entity. Plus, books confer celebrity status. For instance, I once wrote a book about a small city; it was undoubtedly not high-profile nor full of ground-breaking advice like some of my other books. However, a year later, I attended an open house in the city, and the realtor’s assistant offered me a copy of my book. I smiled and said I already had copies as the author. You would have thought I’d just said I was Harry Styles – I was immediately treated like a celebrity and asked to sign copies of the book, one dedicated to the young assistant.

Being the author of a book can be powerful – it can catapult you to new heights within your industry and help grow your business and personal notoriety like nothing else.

If you’re thinking, I don’t have time, or I’m not a writer, don’t let that stop you. You can use the services of a ghostwriter who will help you conceptualize, structure, and write your book. They will show you how easy it is to become an expert author.

Mike Wicks is a ghostwriter and author who can be reached at

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