Marcia Layton Turner
Guest Post: How I Ghostwrite Business Books…And Bumble Messages
By Megan Okonsky When I meet new people, I hesitate before sharing what I do for work. My official title shifted from “copywriter” to “ghostwriter” in 2019 and I began fielding quite a few questions about my job. Nervous to take up too much time talking about my 9-5, I avoided bringing up work woes…
Why Ghostwriting Fees Are Like Fine Art Prices
My talented father, Richard C. Layton, was a fine artist, working primarily in watercolor, oils, and pastels. He drew and painted landscapes, seascapes, and portraits. I always marveled at how quickly his paintings would take shape. He would labor for hours in his studio, concertos and symphonies playing in the background, carefully applying layers of…
The Right Way to Think About What You’re Worth…
By Robert Bruce Woodcox Talking about oneself is generally not the way to begin an article that enlightens others, but it is necessary to talk about why you should listen to me carefully as you read this. Most of you ghostwriters are not charging enough for your talents, time, education, experience and the results of…
Cracking “Voice” with Ghostwriting Clients
By Jeff Raderstrong I was in an interview with a potential client, discussing a book she wanted to write on young leaders in politics. I asked her some of the standard questions I usually ask at this phase of the process: “How would you describe your voice? How would you want me to capture your…
Marcia’s 13 Favorite Things for Writers – 2023
I’m a big fan of Oprah’s “Favorite Things” List, which she publishes in her quarterly magazine each November. In it, you’ll find luxurious clothes and slippers, high-end appliances, electronics, facial creams and treatments you never knew existed, decadent desserts, as well as toys and gifts anyone would be thrilled to receive. Well, I’m a much…