Marcia Layton Turner

Guest Post: How I Ghostwrite Business Books…And Bumble Messages

By Megan Okonsky When I meet new people, I hesitate before sharing what I do for work. My official title shifted from “copywriter” to “ghostwriter” in 2019 and I began fielding quite a few questions about my job. Nervous to take up too much time talking about my 9-5, I avoided bringing up work woes…

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Guest Post: What You Should Know Before Hiring a Ghostwriter to Pen Your Memoir

By Rob Swystun First off, let me just say that you have absolutely lived a fascinating life. Your accomplishments deserve to be hailed and your trials and tribulations deserve to be recognized. With that out of the way, it pains me to inform you that regardless of how interesting your life is, your chances of…

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Why Ghostwriting Fees Are Like Fine Art Prices

My talented father, Richard C. Layton, was a fine artist, working primarily in watercolor, oils, and pastels. He drew and painted landscapes, seascapes, and portraits. I always marveled at how quickly his paintings would take shape. He would labor for hours in his studio, concertos and symphonies playing in the background, carefully applying layers of…

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The Right Way to Think About What You’re Worth…

By Robert Bruce Woodcox Talking about oneself is generally not the way to begin an article that enlightens others, but it is necessary to talk about why you should listen to me carefully as you read this. Most of you ghostwriters are not charging enough for your talents, time, education, experience and the results of…

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Cracking “Voice” with Ghostwriting Clients

By Jeff Raderstrong I was in an interview with a potential client, discussing a book she wanted to write on young leaders in politics. I asked her some of the standard questions I usually ask at this phase of the process: “How would you describe your voice? How would you want me to capture your…

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Tips for Hiring a Ghostwriter

By Erick Mertz Finding the right professional service provider for your needs is often tricky. This can be especially true when it comes to hiring a ghostwriter for your writing project. What makes hiring a ghostwriter so tricky? One reason is this: published rates are difficult to find. Then on the off chance you are…

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How Does the Money Part Work with a Ghostwriter?

By Laura Schaefer I recently updated my website and asked a friend for her feedback. She said this: “It easy to understand the value you bring to the project of writing a book. What I don’t understand is how much potential money I would make if I wrote a book, and what percentage of that…

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Marcia’s 13 Favorite Things for Writers – 2023

I’m a big fan of Oprah’s “Favorite Things” List, which she publishes in her quarterly magazine each November. In it, you’ll find luxurious clothes and slippers, high-end appliances, electronics, facial creams and treatments you never knew existed, decadent desserts, as well as toys and gifts anyone would be thrilled to receive. Well, I’m a much…

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Even Geniuses Need Writing Collaborators

Guest Blog Post By Jennifer Locke “My Shot.” “You’re Welcome.” “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.” What do these songs have in common? Answer: They were written by certified MacCarthur genius Lin-Manuel Miranda. And, perhaps, they were reviewed by John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats before the rest of the world was exposed to these earworms.…

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What People Misunderstand About Ghostwriting

What People Misunderstand About Ghostwriting I’m listening to a money mindset program called Your Wish is Your Command, by Kevin Trudeau, at the recommendation of one of my business coaches, and I was surprised that within the first few minutes of the first CD in a 14-CD set, the topic of ghostwriters came up. Actually,…

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Scribe Media on the Rocks

“Ghostwriting and publishing services firm Scribe Media abruptly shut down yesterday, laying off its staff,” reported Erin Somers today on Publisher’s Lunch, summarizing an apparent sudden change of fortune for the venture. Scribe’s approximate 100 employees were apparently notified by email Wednesday night that “Based on unforeseen business circumstances and faltering business based on unavailability…

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Ghostwriting Fiction—My Adventurous Process

By Elaine Ash I write a lot of fiction as a ghost—five novels in 2022 alone. Whether a client has a complete manuscript or just an idea, I always start with an outline. A novel outline can compare to the blueprint of a house. Both are easier to change than building the whole thing from…

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