Want to know how much you can earn as a ghostwriter?
Member Spotlight: Gene Shannon
How did you land your first book ghostwriting project?How did you land your first book ghostwriting project? Many years ago, I was a member of the Editors Association of Canada, which ran a jobs hotline to connect members of the public with experienced editors. A query came in from someone looking for help with their memoir. The person was an advanced karate teacher and I was a very inexperienced practitioner of a completely different martial art—it was enough of a connection that he trusted me to take on his project. He was starting from scratch but had a…
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Guest Post: How I Ghostwrite Business Books…And Bumble Messages
By Megan Okonsky When I meet new people, I hesitate before sharing what I do for work. My official title shifted from “copywriter” to “ghostwriter” in 2019 and I began fielding quite a few questions about my job. Nervous to take up too much time talking about my 9-5, I avoided bringing up work woes…
Why Ghostwriting Fees Are Like Fine Art Prices
My talented father, Richard C. Layton, was a fine artist, working primarily in watercolor, oils, and pastels. He drew and painted landscapes, seascapes, and portraits. I always marveled at how quickly his paintings would take shape. He would labor for hours in his studio, concertos and symphonies playing in the background, carefully applying layers of…