Guest Post: Working with a ghostwriter is shameful … or is it?
By Tracy Hume I’ve got a secret to share: my secret is that I believe in hiring professionals for complex tasks rather than trying to tackle those tasks by myself. For example: I’ve tried the DIY route: 24/7 access to Google and YouTube creates the illusion that you can Google your way to expertise in…
Guest Post: The Transformative Power of Sincere Ghostwriting Collaboration
By Albo Devine Over the past 12+ years helping bring 25 ghostwriting projects to life— from paradigm-shifting nonfiction to gripping memoir to illuminating fiction—the most important ingredient I’ve discovered for success in a collaboration is sincerity. Believe it or not, this sincerity is always the same. Whether an author is a billionaire ‘somebody’ or a…
Guest Post: How Much Time Should a Ghostwriter Invest in a Prospective Client?
By Thomas Hauck If you’re like me, you’re a sole proprietor who serves a revolving set of clients throughout the year. A new client comes on board, you write their book, and then you say goodbye and move on to the next author. I ghostwrite five or six books a year, both fiction and non-fiction,…
The Right Way to Think About What You’re Worth…
By Robert Bruce Woodcox Talking about oneself is generally not the way to begin an article that enlightens others, but it is necessary to talk about why you should listen to me carefully as you read this. Most of you ghostwriters are not charging enough for your talents, time, education, experience and the results of…
“Ghost Karma”: The Key To Creating Your Dream Ghostwriting Business
By Laura Elliott, your go-to ghost 👻 One night at sunset, after our outboard motor had failed, a good Samaritan named Tom towed our dinghy behind his. We were in the waning days of summer camp—our annual boating adventure on the Salish Sea. The sweet inland passage, home to the San Juan Islands on the…