freelance writing

How I Would Get Started as a Book Ghostwriter Today

Like many of my colleagues, I became a ghostwriter out of happenstance rather than strategy or intention. When my agent asked if I wanted to help an author write a book that was overdue to a major publisher, I jumped at the opportunity. I also admitted to her that I had never written a book…

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Marcia’s 13 Favorite Things for Writers – 2023

I’m a big fan of Oprah’s “Favorite Things” List, which she publishes in her quarterly magazine each November. In it, you’ll find luxurious clothes and slippers, high-end appliances, electronics, facial creams and treatments you never knew existed, decadent desserts, as well as toys and gifts anyone would be thrilled to receive. Well, I’m a much…

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10 Tips for Interviewing Trauma Survivors for Their Memoirs

By Jennifer Upton Being a ghost writer of memoirs involves meeting with clients in person, getting to know them, and recording their histories. When I first started ghost writing memoirs, I naively thought most of my work would involve constructing family trees and describing nostalgic tales of yesteryear. I had no idea the vast majority…

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The Write Tools for the Job

Guest blog post by Josh Kelley Wouldn’t it be amazing to have an office of my own? I thought as I unpacked a computer, charger, headphones, and mouse for the thousandth time at “my” table in the back of an extremely understanding coffee shop. The very idea felt extravagant—no way I’d waste money on something…

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What Kind of Ghostwriter Do You Want to Help Write Your Book?  

Behind-the-scenes ghostwriters play a different role than writing collaborators or partners do. We’re hearing the term “ghostwriter” and “ghostwriting” much more frequently these days, as everyone from industry experts to leaders to celebrities are freely acknowledging that they did, in fact, hire a ghostwriter to assist in producing their book. And why shouldn’t they?! Ghostwriters…

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Ghost Writers: 3 Ways to Gain a Competitive Advantage that Wins You More Business

  Ghost Writers: 3 Ways to Gain a Competitive Advantage that Wins You More Business Bob Bly’s latest email to his Direct Response Letter subscribers about how to stand out in a crowded market reinforced something I needed to remind myself. It’s a message I also try to articulate to other writers. That is, we…

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